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Showing 1 to 20 of 782 job profiles
3D printing technician
3D printing technicians make different products, such as medical implants, car parts, aircraft parts or fashion accessories.
Salary: £19,000 to £38,000
Found in: Computing, technology and digital, Manufacturing
Accommodation warden
Accommodation wardens manage the day-to-day running of services like sheltered housing, hostels and student flats.
Salary: £24,000 to £28,000
Found in: Home services, Social care
Accounting technician
Accounting technicians handle day-to-day money and finance tasks for all types of business.
Salary: £17,000 to £34,000
Found in: Administration, Business and finance
Acoustics consultant
Acoustics consultants help manage and control noise and vibrations in homes, workplaces and other environments.
Salary: £22,000 to £35,000
Found in: Construction and trades, Engineering and maintenance, Healthcare, Science and research
Actors use speech, movement and expression to bring characters to life in theatre, film, television and radio.
Salary: Variable
Found in: Creative and media
Actuaries work with companies and government departments, to help them forecast long-term financial costs and investment risks.
Salary: £32,000 to £70,000
Found in: Business and finance
Acupuncturists insert needles into pressure points on clients' bodies to help with stress and improve their wellbeing.
Salary: Variable
Found in: Beauty and wellbeing, Healthcare
Admin assistant
Admin assistants write letters, emails and reports, maintain data records and filing systems and provide support for meetings.
Salary: £21,000 to £28,000
Found in: Administration
Advertising account executive
Advertising account executives manage clients for an advertising agency.
Salary: £19,000 to £36,000
Found in: Creative and media, Managerial, Retail and sales
Advertising account planner
Advertising account planners develop and plan ad campaigns to make sure adverts reach the right audience.
Salary: £19,000 to £36,000
Found in: Creative and media, Retail and sales
Advertising art director
Art directors design images for ad campaigns, including film, TV, website and printed adverts.
Salary: £18,000 to £45,000
Found in: Creative and media
Advertising copywriter
Advertising copywriters create the words used for print, TV, radio and online adverts.
Salary: £20,000 to £80,000
Found in: Creative and media
Advertising media buyer
Media buyers book advert space on newspapers, magazines, TV, radio and websites.
Salary: £21,000 to £36,000
Found in: Creative and media, Retail and sales
Advertising media planner
Advertising media planners decide which media is best to advertise their client's products or services.
Salary: £18,000 to £50,000
Found in: Creative and media, Managerial
Advocacy worker
Advocacy workers help give people a voice in decisions about their health or social care.
Salary: £19,000 to £30,000
Found in: Healthcare, Social care
Aerospace engineer
Aerospace engineers design, test, build and maintain aeroplanes, spacecraft and satellites.
Salary: £27,000 to £60,000
Found in: Engineering and maintenance, Manufacturing
Aerospace engineering technician
Aerospace engineering technicians build, test and maintain commercial and military aircraft, and satellites.
Salary: £26,000 to £45,000
Found in: Engineering and maintenance, Manufacturing
Agricultural contractor
Agricultural contractors provide services to farmers, like crop planting and spraying, harvesting and animal management.
Salary: Variable
Found in: Animal care, Engineering and maintenance, Environment and land
Agricultural engineer
Agricultural engineers build, service and repair agricultural, horticultural and forestry machinery and equipment.
Salary: £25,000 to £45,000
Found in: Manufacturing, Environment and land, Engineering and maintenance
Agricultural engineering technician
Agricultural engineering technicians help to solve practical engineering problems in land-based industries.
Salary: £23,000 to £38,000
Found in: Engineering and maintenance, Environment and land, Manufacturing