Find out more about the services the National Careers Service offers and the different ways we can help you.
Find out what we do
The National Careers Service provides high quality, free and impartial careers advice, information and guidance. Our service is available to anyone aged 13+ no matter what stage of the careers journey you’re at.
The video will give you a brief overview of some of the work the National Careers Service does.
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The National Careers Service provides high quality, free and impartial information advice and guidance to help citizens make decisions on learning, training and work. It is available to all adults in England over the age of 13.
Our universal service is primarily for citizens who need somewhere to go that can provide comprehensive careers information advice or guidance for themselves.
Additional users of our service are people who use it to support others. This includes professional careers advisers and intermediaries such as employers, teachers and parents.
Our service is designed to enable users to self serve as much as possible, however some of our users need more intensive support.
For self service, our intuitive digital tools and smart use of data enable them to get a personalised service. Professional careers advisers will help provide users with additional advice and guidance, specific to their personal circumstances.
If you want any more information about National Careers Service, please get in touch.
Who is National Careers Service for?
We provide anyone aged 13+ with life long careers information, advice and guidance to help you make good career choices, no matter what point of your career journey you’re at.
We provide information for parents, teachers, employers, coaches and advisers to support others in their career journey.
We work with organisations, employers and professional bodies to promote the importance of up to date careers guidance.
Careers information and advice online
The National Careers Service website is here to give you the tools to make decisions about your career at your own pace and in your own time. You can:
- explore careers to see what career options are out there
- read careers advice articles for help to make good career decisions
- take a skills assessment to find out what you’re good at
- find a course that will provide you with the training and qualifications you need
- update your skills to help you do your job more effectively or support you in finding a new one
Personalised careers guidance, telephone and web chat support
If you want some extra support on your career journey, you can contact us to speak to an adviser or start a web chat. Trained careers advisers can help you to build your confidence to take the next steps on your career journey.
Our careers advisers will provide you with careers information, advice and guidance that best reflects your needs and circumstances. This doesn’t look the same for everyone but may include:
- participation in webinars or group sessions
- signposting towards specialist resources and support
- individual guidance appointments, either online or at a local venue
UK career services
This service is available to people who live in England. Careers services are also available for:
Speak to an adviser
Wherever you are with your decisions, you can call us on 0800 100 900 during our opening hours. You can also use webchat.
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Our policies
Accessibility statement
The accessibility statement explains how we build your website to make sure you can use it.
Privacy and cookies
We collect personal information from you when you use the National Careers Service. The cookie and privacy policy explains how we use and protect your information.
Information sources
The information presented on the National Careers Service website comes from different sources. This page explains what those sources are and why you can trust them.