160 results found

  1. Pest control technician

    Alternative titles for this job include Pest control officer

    Pest control technicians identify infestations and get rid of pests like rats, mice, wasps and cockroaches.

    Salary: £22,000 to £30,000

    Found in: Environment and land Home services

  2. Estates officer

    Estates officers are responsible for managing and upkeeping land and property that belongs to local councils and public bodies.

    Salary: £25,000 to £52,000

    Found in: Administration Managerial

  3. RAF officer

    RAF officers work in a number of roles and are responsible for the welfare and discipline of personnel under their command.

    Salary: £33,000 to £51,000

    Found in: Emergency and uniform services Government services

  4. Probation officer

    Probation officers supervise people serving community and prison sentences and help them to stay away from crime.

    Salary: £24,000 to £40,000

    Found in: Government services Social care Law and legal

  5. Air traffic controller

    Alternative titles for this job include Air traffic control officer

    Air traffic controllers give information and advice to airline pilots to help them take off and land safely and on time.

    Salary: £21,000 to £52,000

    Found in: Transport

  6. Police officer

    Alternative titles for this job include Police constable

    Police officers respond to incidents, investigate crimes and work closely with communities to keep them safe.

    Salary: £29,000 to £46,000

    Found in: Government services Emergency and uniform services

  7. Environmental health practitioner

    Alternative titles for this job include Environmental health officer

    Environmental health practitioners make sure people's surroundings are safe, healthy and hygienic.

    Salary: £27,000 to £40,000

    Found in: Government services Environment and land

  8. Housing officer

    Housing officers look after rented properties for local authorities and housing associations.

    Salary: £21,000 to £35,000

    Found in: Managerial Social care

  9. Trade union official

    Alternative titles for this job include Trade union officer

    Trade union officials represent, train and advise union members, carry out research and develop policy.

    Salary: £30,000 to £66,000

    Found in: Administration Teaching and education

  10. Conservator

    Alternative titles for this job include Conservation officer

    Conservators clean, repair and restore objects, artworks and buildings of historical and cultural importance.

    Salary: £26,000 to £38,000

    Found in: Creative and media