Teaching and education
Audio visual technician
AV technician
Audio visual technicians set up and operate sound, lighting and video equipment at events, conferences and performances.
British Sign Language teacher
BSL tutor
British Sign Language (BSL) teachers teach sign language to children, young people and adults, and teach other subjects using sign language.
Careers adviser
Career consultant, career coach, career development practitioner
Careers advisers help people make decisions about their education, training and work options.
Child protection officer
Safeguarding officer
Child protection officers promote children's wellbeing and protect them from harm or abuse.
Communication support worker
CSW, sign language support worker
Communication support workers (CSWs) help deaf students in school.
Community education co-ordinator
Community education co-ordinators organise education, training and recreation courses to meet the needs of the local community.
Social science researcher
Criminologists look at the reasons why people commit crimes and find ways to reduce re-offending.
Cycling coach
Cycling instructor
Cycling coaches help riders develop their cycling skills.
Dance teacher
Dance teachers train and develop their students in all types of dance.
Early years teacher
Nursery teacher
Early years teachers are specialists in early childhood development and work with children up to the age of 5.
Education technician
Education technicians support science, art, IT or design and technology teachers by preparing equipment and materials for practical lessons.
Education welfare officer
School welfare officer, school attendance officer
Education welfare officers make sure that children attend school and get the support they need.
E-learning developer
Digital learning developer, instructional designer
E-learning developers create course materials that can be studied on a computer network or online.
English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher
EFL teacher
EFL teachers help students learn or improve their English in the UK and abroad.
Equalities officer
Equality and diversity officer, equal opportunities officer, equality, diversity and human rights officer
Equalities officers make sure people are treated equally in an organisation by promoting positive practices and attitudes.
Further education teacher
Further education tutor, further education lecturer, FE teacher
Further education (FE) teachers teach academic and vocational or work related courses to young people and adults.
Head, deputy headteacher
Headteachers manage schools and create the right conditions for children and staff to achieve their best.
Health promotion specialist
Health improvement specialist
Health promotion specialists educate and inform people about health issues.
Higher education lecturer
HE lecturer, university lecturer
Higher education (HE) lecturers research and teach academic and vocational subjects at universities and higher education colleges.
Learning mentor
Learning mentors support students and trainees who need extra help with their learning.
Learning resource manager
Librarians run public and private libraries, managing access to books, multi-media resources and computers.
Library assistant
Information assistant, learning resource centre assistant
Library assistants help librarians to manage the day-to-day running of a library.
Martial arts instructor
Martial arts instructors teach martial arts like karate, jujitsu and judo.
Montessori teacher
Montessori teachers encourage children's natural curiosity and help them to learn by doing things for themselves and with other children.
Museum curator
Art gallery curator
Museum and art gallery curators manage collections of objects of artistic, scientific, historical and general interest.
Music teacher
Music teachers give music lessons to people of all ages and abilities. They work in schools and colleges, and with individuals and community groups.
Nursery worker
Nursery assistant, early years educator, pre-school assistant, playgroup assistant, childcare worker
Nursery workers help babies and children up to 5 years old to develop and learn in a safe and supportive setting.
Ofsted inspector
His Majesty's Inspector, HMI, regulatory inspector
Ofsted inspectors visit, inspect and report on the quality of places of education and learning, and children's social care services.
Online tutor
E-tutor, e-learning tutor
Online tutors support students who are studying courses over the internet.
Outdoor activities instructor
Outdoor activities instructors lead trips and teach skills in activities like hill walking, climbing, canoeing, skiing and snowboarding.
PE teacher
Physical education teacher
Physical education (PE) teachers work in schools and colleges, teaching sport and fitness to young people.
Childcare assistant, wraparound care assistant
Playworkers help children and young people to develop their physical, social and language skills through play.
Portage home visitor
Portage worker, Portage support worker
Portage home visitors provide help at home for pre-school children with learning difficulties, physical disabilities or other special needs.
Primary school teacher
Junior school teacher
Primary school teachers are responsible for the educational, social and emotional development of children from age 5 to 11.
Prison instructor
Instructional officer
Prison instructors teach prisoners new skills to help them find work after their release.
RQF assessor
NVQ assessor, training assessor
Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) assessors check vocational courses and help trainees to meet the standards.
Sailing instructor
Sailing instructors teach people to sail yachts and boats.
School business manager
School business professional
School business managers oversee the efficient day-to-day running of a school and support the headteacher and leadership team.
School crossing patrol
Lollipop person
School crossing patrols help children and adults cross the road safely on their way to and from school.
School houseparent
Boarding school houseparent, resident houseparent
A school houseparent looks after the welfare, safety and pastoral care of students in boarding schools.
School lunchtime supervisor
Lunchtime assistant
Lunchtime supervisors work in primary, secondary and special schools, looking after children during the lunch break.
Secondary school teacher
High school teacher, sixth form teacher
Secondary school teachers teach children from 11 to 16, or up to 19 in schools with sixth forms.
Skills for life teacher
Functional skills teacher
Skills for life teachers work with adults and sometimes 16 to 18-year-olds to improve their English and maths.
Special educational needs (SEN) teacher
Special educational needs (SEN) teachers work with children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities.
Special educational needs (SEN) teaching assistant
Special needs classroom assistant, special needs learning support assistant
Special educational needs (SEN) teaching assistants support teachers to help children with special educational needs and disabilities.
Swimming teacher
Swimming coach, swimming instructor
Swimming teachers help people learn how to swim, improve their swimming skills and exercise in water.
Teaching assistant
Classroom assistant, learning support assistant
Teaching assistants support teachers and help children with reading, writing and learning activities.
Trade union official
Trade union officer
Trade union officials represent, train and advise union members, carry out research and develop policy.
Training officer
Learning and development officer, skills trainer
Training officers plan and run training and development courses for businesses and public sector organisations.
Yoga teacher
Yoga instructor
Yoga teachers teach yoga as a form of exercise to increase fitness and wellbeing.
Youth worker
Youth workers support young people aged 11 to 25 to help them with their personal, social and educational development.