687 results found

  1. Occupational health nurse

    Occupational health nurses care for the health and wellbeing of people at work.

    Salary: £30,000 to £53,000

    Found in: Healthcare

  2. Equalities officer

    Alternative titles for this job include Equality and diversity officer, equal opportunities officer, equality, diversity and human rights officer

    Equalities officers make sure people are treated equally in an organisation by promoting positive practices and attitudes.

    Salary: £22,000 to £45,000

    Found in: Law and legal Social care Teaching and education

  3. Fingerprint officer

    Alternative titles for this job include Fingerprint examiner

    Fingerprint officers work to identify fingerprints taken from crime scenes.

    Salary: £18,000 to £30,000

    Found in: Emergency and uniform services Government services Science and research

  4. Social worker

    Social workers help to protect vulnerable children and adults from harm or abuse, and support people to live independently.

    Salary: £32,000 to £48,000

    Found in: Social care

  5. Welfare rights adviser

    Alternative titles for this job include Welfare benefits adviser, welfare rights officer

    Welfare rights advisers give free advice to the public to help them get the financial support they are entitled to.

    Salary: £23,000 to £42,000

    Found in: Social care Law and legal

  6. Estimator

    Alternative titles for this job include Cost engineer, construction estimator, cost planner

    Estimators work out how much the different parts of an engineering or construction project will cost.

    Salary: £22,000 to £40,000

    Found in: Construction and trades Managerial

  7. Life coach

    Life coaches support and encourage people to help them make informed decisions in their working and personal lives.

    Salary: Variable

    Found in: Home services Social care

  8. Advocacy worker

    Alternative titles for this job include Independent advocate, relevant person's representative

    Advocacy workers help give people a voice in decisions about their health or social care.

    Salary: £19,000 to £30,000

    Found in: Healthcare Social care

  9. Barrister's clerk

    Barrister's clerks run the day to day administration tasks for barristers at offices called chambers.

    Salary: £20,000 to £40,000

    Found in: Law and legal

  10. Trade mark attorney

    Trade mark attorneys advise clients about registering and protecting designs and trade marks.

    Salary: £25,000 to £90,000

    Found in: Law and legal