All careers in education and early years
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Showing 21 to 40 of 53 job profiles
Learning mentor
Learning mentors support students and trainees who need extra help with their learning.
Salary: £16,500 to £24,000
Found in: Education and early years Care services
Librarians run public and private libraries, managing access to books, multi-media resources and computers.
Salary: £18,500 to £32,000
Found in: Business and administration Education and early years
Library assistant
Library assistants help librarians to manage the day-to-day running of a library.
Salary: £17,000 to £23,000
Found in: Business and administration Education and early years
Life coach
Life coaches support and encourage people to help them make informed decisions in their working and personal lives.
Salary: Variable
Found in: Health and science Education and early years
Martial arts instructor
Martial arts instructors teach martial arts like karate, jujitsu and judo.
Salary: Variable
Found in: Health and science Education and early years
Montessori teacher
Montessori teachers encourage children's natural curiosity and help them to learn by doing things for themselves and with other children.
Salary: £18,000 to £30,000
Found in: Education and early years
Museum curator
Museum and art gallery curators manage collections of objects of artistic, scientific, historical and general interest.
Salary: £18,000 to £40,000
Found in: Creative and Design Education and early years
Music teacher
Music teachers give music lessons to people of all ages and abilities. They work in schools and colleges, and with individuals and community groups.
Salary: Variable
Found in: Education and early years Creative and Design
Nannies work in private homes caring for their employer's babies and young children.
Salary: Variable
Found in: Care services Education and early years
Nursery manager
Nursery managers run early years childcare centres, providing day care for babies and young children from birth to 5 years.
Salary: £23,000 to £35,000
Found in: Education and early years
Nursery worker
Nursery workers help babies and children up to 5 years old to develop and learn in a safe and supportive setting.
Salary: £16,000 to £24,000
Found in: Education and early years
Ofsted inspector
Ofsted inspectors visit, inspect and report on the quality of places of education and learning, and children's social care services.
Salary: £52,000 to £85,000
Found in: Education and early years Business and administration
Online tutor
Online tutors support students who are studying courses over the internet.
Salary: Variable
Found in: Education and early years
Outdoor activities instructor
Outdoor activities instructors lead trips and teach skills in activities like hill walking, climbing, canoeing, skiing and snowboarding.
Salary: £16,000 to £30,000
Found in: Education and early years Health and science
PE teacher
Physical education (PE) teachers work in schools and colleges, teaching sport and fitness to young people.
Salary: £32,000 to £49,000
Found in: Education and early years
Playworkers help children and young people to develop their physical, social and language skills through play.
Salary: £14,500 to £22,000
Found in: Education and early years Care services
Portage home visitor
Portage home visitors provide help at home for pre-school children with learning difficulties, physical disabilities or other special needs.
Salary: £19,000 to £30,000
Found in: Education and early years Care services
Primary school teacher
Primary school teachers are responsible for the educational, social and emotional development of children between the ages of 3 and 11.
Salary: £32,000 to £49,000
Found in: Education and early years
Prison instructor
Prison instructors teach prisoners new skills to help them find work after their release.
Salary: £18,000 to £29,000
Found in: Education and early years Protective services
RQF assessor
Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) assessors check vocational courses and help trainees to meet the standards.
Salary: £22,000 to £35,000
Found in: Education and early years