All careers in catering and hospitality

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Showing 21 to 30 of 30 job profiles

  1. Laundry worker

    Alternative titles for this job include Dry cleaner

    Laundry workers operate washing machines, steamers and dryers to clean items like clothes, bed linen, towels and uniforms.

    Salary: £16,500 to £22,000

    Found in: Health and science Catering and Hospitality

  2. Microbrewer

    Alternative titles for this job include Craft brewer, craft distiller

    Microbrewers produce and market their own alcoholic drinks like beers, ciders and gins.

    Salary: Variable

    Found in: Engineering and manufacturing Catering and Hospitality

  3. Publican

    Alternative titles for this job include Pub landlord, bar manager, licensed premises manager

    Publicans manage licensed premises like pubs and bars.

    Salary: £27,000 to £50,000

    Found in: Catering and Hospitality

  4. Resort representative

    Alternative titles for this job include Holiday rep, customer services rep, overseas rep

    Resort representatives make sure holidaymakers enjoy their vacation. They plan trips, organise activities and deal with any issues.

    Salary: Variable

    Found in: Catering and Hospitality Sales, marketing and procurement

  5. Restaurant manager

    Alternative titles for this job include Fast food restaurant manager, hotel restaurant manager

    Restaurant managers organise the day-to-day running of their venue and make sure customers are happy with the food and service they receive.

    Salary: £26,000 to £40,000

    Found in: Catering and Hospitality Business and administration

  6. Street food trader

    Alternative titles for this job include Mobile caterer

    Street food traders run their own businesses, serving customers food and drinks from a stall or van.

    Salary: Variable

    Found in: Catering and Hospitality Sales, marketing and procurement

  7. Tour manager

    Alternative titles for this job include Travel manager, tour supervisor

    Tour managers manage the travel arrangements of holidaymakers and business clients to make sure their trips run smoothly.

    Salary: £16,000 to £30,000

    Found in: Business and administration Catering and Hospitality

  8. Tourist guide

    Alternative titles for this job include Tour guide, Blue Badge guide

    Tourist guides show visitors around places of interest in towns, cities and the countryside, like historical buildings, parks, art galleries and museums.

    Salary: £19,000 to £25,000

    Found in: Catering and Hospitality

  9. Waiter

    Alternative titles for this job include Waiting staff, server

    Waiters serve food and drinks to customers in restaurants and cafes, take orders and handle payments.

    Salary: £19,000 to £24,000

    Found in: Catering and Hospitality

  10. Wedding planner

    Alternative titles for this job include

    Wedding planners help couples organise their wedding.

    Salary: £17,000 to £29,000

    Found in: Catering and Hospitality Business and administration Sales, marketing and procurement

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