298 results found

  1. Retail buyer

    Alternative titles for this job include Wholesale buyer, food buyer, buyer for retail

    Retail buyers choose products for shops to sell, like clothing, toys, electrical goods and food.

    Salary: £18,000 to £50,000

    Found in: Retail and sales

  2. Maintenance fitter

    Alternative titles for this job include Engineering maintenance fitter, maintenance engineer

    Maintenance fitters install, service and repair industrial machinery and equipment.

    Salary: £23,000 to £38,000

    Found in: Engineering and maintenance Manufacturing

  3. Trade union official

    Alternative titles for this job include Trade union officer

    Trade union officials represent, train and advise union members, carry out research and develop policy.

    Salary: £30,000 to £66,000

    Found in: Administration Teaching and education

  4. Motor mechanic

    Alternative titles for this job include Light vehicle service technician, car mechanic

    Motor mechanics repair and service cars and vans.

    Salary: £18,000 to £35,000

    Found in: Manufacturing Engineering and maintenance

  5. Retail merchandiser

    Retail merchandisers make sure that goods are in the right stores, or online, at the right time and the right price.

    Salary: £16,000 to £36,000

    Found in: Creative and media Retail and sales

  6. Retail manager

    Retail managers look after stores, motivate staff to achieve sales targets, organise promotional events and monitor industry trends.

    Salary: £20,000 to £60,000

    Found in: Managerial Retail and sales

  7. Aerospace engineering technician

    Alternative titles for this job include Aircraft maintenance technician

    Aerospace engineering technicians build, test and maintain commercial and military aircraft, and satellites.

    Salary: £26,000 to £45,000

    Found in: Engineering and maintenance Manufacturing

  8. Motor vehicle fitter

    Alternative titles for this job include Fast fit technician

    Motor vehicle fitters repair and replace worn or damaged tyres, exhausts, batteries and parts.

    Salary: £21,000 to £30,000

    Found in: Engineering and maintenance

  9. E-commerce manager

    Alternative titles for this job include Online trading manager

    E-commerce managers sell and advertise products and services on the internet.

    Salary: £25,000 to £60,000

    Found in: Retail and sales Managerial

  10. Motor vehicle breakdown engineer

    Alternative titles for this job include Roadside recovery technician, roadside assistance technician

    Motor vehicle breakdown engineers help people whose vehicles have broken down.

    Salary: £25,000 to £40,000

    Found in: Engineering and maintenance