272 results found

  1. Early years teacher

    Alternative titles for this job include Nursery teacher

    Early years teachers are specialists in early childhood development and work with children up to the age of 5.

    Salary: £30,000 to £47,000

    Found in: Teaching and education

  2. Music teacher

    Music teachers give music lessons to people of all ages and abilities.

    Salary: Variable

    Found in: Creative and media Teaching and education

  3. Special educational needs (SEN) teacher

    Special educational needs (SEN) teachers work with children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities.

    Salary: £30,000 to £46,000

    Found in: Teaching and education

  4. Sailing instructor

    Sailing instructors teach people to sail yachts and boats.

    Salary: £16,000 to £28,000

    Found in: Travel and tourism Teaching and education Sports and leisure

  5. Headteacher

    Alternative titles for this job include Head, deputy headteacher

    Headteachers manage schools and create the right conditions for children and staff to achieve their best.

    Salary: £53,000 to £131,000

    Found in: Managerial Teaching and education

  6. English as a foreign language (EFL) teacher

    Alternative titles for this job include EFL teacher

    EFL teachers help students learn or improve their English in the UK and abroad.

    Salary: £21,000 to £32,000

    Found in: Teaching and education

  7. IT trainer

    IT trainers design and teach computer courses.

    Salary: £20,000 to £40,000

    Found in: Computing, technology and digital

  8. Dance teacher

    Dance teachers train and develop their students in all types of dance.

    Salary: Variable

    Found in: Creative and media Teaching and education

  9. Online tutor

    Alternative titles for this job include E-tutor, e-learning tutor

    Online tutors support students who are studying courses over the internet.

    Salary: Variable

    Found in: Teaching and education

  10. Martial arts instructor

    Martial arts instructors teach martial arts like karate, jujitsu and judo.

    Salary: Variable

    Found in: Sports and leisure Teaching and education