143 results found
Public relations officer
Public relations (PR) officers manage the public image and reputation of organisations and individuals.
Salary: £22,000 to £40,000
Found in: Creative and media
Internal and external auditors check organisations' financial records and procedures to make sure they are accurate and efficient.
Salary: £19,000 to £65,000
Found in: Administration Business and finance
Athletes compete in track and field events for their clubs, with some going on to represent their country at international level.
Salary: Variable
Found in: Sports and leisure
Interior designer
Interior designers plan the internal layout and decoration of public, commercial and residential buildings and spaces.
Salary: £23,000 to £45,000
Found in: Creative and media
Dryliners use plasterboard and panels to build internal walls, suspended ceilings and raised flooring in houses, offices and shops.
Salary: £22,000 to £43,000
Found in: Construction and trades
Forensic collision investigator
Forensic collision investigators use science and engineering to investigate the causes of road traffic and vehicle related incidents.
Salary: £20,000 to £40,000
Found in: Transport Government services Emergency and uniform services
Further education teacher
Further education (FE) teachers teach academic and vocational or work related courses to young people and adults.
Salary: £24,000 to £40,000
Found in: Teaching and education
Import-export clerk
Import-export clerks ship goods to and from the UK by road, rail, air and sea.
Salary: £18,000 to £30,000
Found in: Transport Delivery and storage Administration
Indexers build up lists of searchable terms for things like books, magazines, reports, websites and photographic collections.
Salary: Variable
Found in: Computing, technology and digital Creative and media
Barrister's clerk
Barrister's clerks run the day to day administration tasks for barristers at offices called chambers.
Salary: £20,000 to £40,000
Found in: Law and legal