9 results found

  1. Playworker

    Alternative titles for this job include Childcare assistant, wraparound care assistant

    Playworkers help children and young people to develop their physical, social and language skills through play.

    Salary: £14,500 to £22,000

    Found in: Social care Teaching and education

  2. Nursery worker

    Alternative titles for this job include Nursery assistant, early years educator, pre-school assistant, playgroup assistant, childcare worker

    Nursery workers help babies and children up to 5 years old to develop and learn in a safe and supportive setting.

    Salary: £14,500 to £23,000

    Found in: Social care Teaching and education

  3. Nursery manager

    Alternative titles for this job include Pre-school manager

    Nursery managers run early years childcare centres, providing day care for babies and young children from birth to 5 years.

    Salary: £23,000 to £35,000

    Found in: Social care Managerial

  4. Health play specialist

    Alternative titles for this job include Hospital play specialist

    Health play specialists understand child development and use therapeutic play activities to help children cope when in hospital.

    Salary: £25,000 to £35,000

    Found in: Beauty and wellbeing Healthcare

  5. Teaching assistant

    Alternative titles for this job include Classroom assistant, learning support assistant

    Teaching assistants support teachers and help children with reading, writing and learning activities.

    Salary: £14,000 to £21,000

    Found in: Teaching and education

  6. Childminder

    Childminders care for babies, toddlers and children in their own home, supporting their learning and development.

    Salary: Variable

    Found in: Social care

  7. Special educational needs (SEN) teaching assistant

    Alternative titles for this job include Special needs classroom assistant, special needs learning support assistant

    Special educational needs (SEN) teaching assistants support teachers to help children with special educational needs and disabilities.

    Salary: £14,000 to £23,000

    Found in: Teaching and education

  8. Ofsted inspector

    Alternative titles for this job include His Majesty's Inspector, HMI, regulatory inspector

    Ofsted inspectors visit, inspect and report on the quality of places of education and learning, and children's social care services.

    Salary: £50,000 to £81,000

    Found in: Government services Teaching and education

  9. Residential support worker

    Residential support workers look after the physical and mental wellbeing of children or vulnerable adults in care.

    Salary: £19,000 to £30,000

    Found in: Social care