13 results found

  1. Engineering craft machinist

    Engineering craft machinists make parts for the manufacturing and engineering industries using equipment like cutters and grinders.

    Salary: £19,000 to £33,000

    Found in: Manufacturing Engineering and maintenance

  2. Metrologist

    Alternative titles for this job include Metrology technician, measurement and control engineer

    Metrologists use very precise measurements in science and industry to make sure that processes and products meet high standards.

    Salary: £26,000 to £45,000

    Found in: Science and research Manufacturing Engineering and maintenance

  3. Production manager (manufacturing)

    Alternative titles for this job include Operations manager

    Production managers make sure manufacturing processes run smoothly and cost-effectively, and deliver products on time.

    Salary: £24,000 to £65,000

    Found in: Managerial Manufacturing