48 results found

  1. Skills for life teacher

    Alternative titles for this job include Functional skills teacher

    Skills for life teachers work with adults and sometimes 16 to 18-year-olds to improve their English and maths.

    Salary: £20,000 to £30,000

    Found in: Teaching and education

  2. Acoustics consultant

    Alternative titles for this job include Acoustician, acoustics engineer

    Acoustics consultants help manage and control noise and vibrations in homes, workplaces and other environments.

    Salary: £22,000 to £35,000

    Found in: Construction and trades Engineering and maintenance Healthcare Science and research

  3. Agricultural inspector

    Agricultural inspectors make sure animal welfare and environmental standards are followed in farms and dairies.

    Salary: £23,000 to £40,000

    Found in: Animal care Environment and land

  4. Clinical engineer

    Alternative titles for this job include Biomedical engineer, bio-engineer

    Clinical engineers apply engineering principles to the research, design and development of healthcare products and equipment.

    Salary: £35,000 to £50,000

    Found in: Engineering and maintenance Healthcare Science and research

  5. Nuclear technician

    Alternative titles for this job include Nuclear operating technician, radiation protection technician

    Nuclear technicians are involved in the safety and day-to-day running of nuclear power stations.

    Salary: £24,000 to £43,000

    Found in: Engineering and maintenance

  6. Metrologist

    Alternative titles for this job include Metrology technician, measurement and control engineer

    Metrologists use very precise measurements in science and industry to make sure that processes and products meet high standards.

    Salary: £26,000 to £45,000

    Found in: Science and research Manufacturing Engineering and maintenance

  7. Operational researcher

    Alternative titles for this job include Management scientist

    Operational researchers analyse problems and find ways to help organisations make better decisions and improve the way they work.

    Salary: £26,000 to £60,000

    Found in: Computing, technology and digital Managerial Science and research

  8. Civil engineer

    Alternative titles for this job include Engineering consultant

    Civil engineers design and manage construction projects such as buildings, bridges, transport links and sports stadiums.

    Salary: £28,000 to £60,000

    Found in: Construction and trades Engineering and maintenance

  9. Systems analyst

    System analysts look at a company's IT structure to work out how to improve it.

    Salary: £28,000 to £62,000

    Found in: Computing, technology and digital

  10. Stockbroker

    Stockbrokers manage their clients' investments by trading stocks, shares and other financial products to get the best return.

    Salary: £24,000 to £125,000

    Found in: Business and finance