40 results found

  1. GP

    Alternative titles for this job include General practitioner, doctor

    General practitioners (GPs) are doctors who provide medical services to people in their local community.

    Salary: £70,000 to £114,000

    Found in: Healthcare

  2. GP practice manager

    Alternative titles for this job include GP surgery manager, general practitioner practice manager

    GP practice managers run the business side of doctors' surgeries and health centres.

    Salary: £30,000 to £60,000

    Found in: Administration Managerial

  3. Hospital doctor

    A hospital doctor diagnoses and treats illness and disease in patients admitted to hospital.

    Salary: £32,000 to £92,000

    Found in: Healthcare

  4. Physician associate

    Physician associates support doctors to diagnose and manage patients in hospitals and GP surgeries.

    Salary: £44,000 to £50,000

    Found in: Healthcare

  5. Practice nurse

    Practice nurses work in GP surgeries to assess, screen, treat and educate patients, and help doctors give medical care.

    Salary: £28,000 to £50,000

    Found in: Healthcare

  6. Anaesthetist

    Anaesthetists are doctors who give anaesthetics to patients before, during and after surgery.

    Salary: £44,000 to £96,000

    Found in: Healthcare

  7. Medical secretary

    Alternative titles for this job include Medical personal assistant

    Medical secretaries provide office support in hospitals, GP surgeries, private clinics and universities.

    Salary: £17,500 to £24,000

    Found in: Administration

  8. Emergency medical dispatcher

    Alternative titles for this job include Emergency call handler, ambulance dispatcher

    Emergency medical dispatchers handle calls from the public and GPs requesting an ambulance.

    Salary: £23,000 to £28,000

    Found in: Healthcare Retail and sales

  9. District nurse

    District nurses care for people outside of hospital in patients' homes, GP surgeries and residential care homes.

    Salary: £35,000 to £43,000

    Found in: Healthcare

  10. Psychiatrist

    Psychiatrists are doctors who diagnose and treat patients with mental health problems.

    Salary: £44,000 to £94,000

    Found in: Healthcare Science and research