109 results found

  1. Thermal insulation engineer

    Alternative titles for this job include Pipework lagger, thermal insulation installer

    Thermal insulation engineers install insulating materials around pipes, boilers and ductwork in offices, factories, schools and hospitals.

    Salary: £20,000 to £40,000

    Found in: Environment and land Construction and trades Engineering and maintenance

  2. Gas mains layer

    Alternative titles for this job include Gas networks operative, gas engineer assistant

    Gas mains layers install and maintain pipelines that supply homes and businesses with gas.

    Salary: £24,000 to £38,000

    Found in: Construction and trades Engineering and maintenance

  3. Building site inspector

    Alternative titles for this job include Clerk of works, construction inspector, building site supervisor

    Building site inspectors check the quality and safety of construction work.

    Salary: £21,000 to £50,000

    Found in: Construction and trades Engineering and maintenance

  4. Furniture maker

    Alternative titles for this job include Cabinet maker, craft woodworker

    Furniture makers make and restore items like chairs, tables, beds and display cabinets.

    Salary: £20,000 to £28,000

    Found in: Creative and media Engineering and maintenance

  5. Palliative care assistant

    Alternative titles for this job include Specialist healthcare assistant

    Palliative care assistants provide specialist care and support to people living with serious illness and those reaching the end of their life.

    Salary: £23,000 to £27,000

    Found in: Healthcare Social care

  6. Money adviser

    Alternative titles for this job include Debt counsellor

    Money advisers help people whose debts have become too large or difficult for them to handle.

    Salary: £20,000 to £28,000

    Found in: Business and finance Social care

  7. Criminologist

    Alternative titles for this job include Social science researcher

    Criminologists look at the reasons why people commit crimes and find ways to reduce re-offending.

    Salary: £23,500 to £36,000

    Found in: Government services Teaching and education

  8. Equalities officer

    Alternative titles for this job include Equality and diversity officer, equal opportunities officer, equality, diversity and human rights officer

    Equalities officers make sure people are treated equally in an organisation by promoting positive practices and attitudes.

    Salary: £22,000 to £45,000

    Found in: Law and legal Social care Teaching and education

  9. Neighbourhood warden

    Alternative titles for this job include Street warden, community warden, safety warden

    Neighbourhood wardens work in local communities to reduce anti-social behaviour.

    Salary: £21,000 to £32,000

    Found in: Emergency and uniform services Government services

  10. Probation officer

    Probation officers supervise people serving community and prison sentences and help them to stay away from crime.

    Salary: £24,000 to £40,000

    Found in: Government services Social care Law and legal