598 results found
Business development manager
Business development managers build relationships with customers, suppliers and partners. They help businesses grow and improve.
Salary: £26,000 to £64,000
Found in: Business and finance Retail and sales Managerial
Librarians run public and private libraries, managing access to books, multi-media resources and computers.
Salary: £18,500 to £32,000
Found in: Computing, technology and digital Teaching and education
Care home manager
Care home managers lead and run residential homes for adults or children.
Salary: £25,000 to £55,000
Found in: Managerial Social care
Road transport manager
Road transport managers make sure goods and passengers reach their destinations safely, on time and in the most cost effective way.
Salary: £23,000 to £55,000
Found in: Delivery and storage Transport
Archivists preserve and manage historical and cultural records. They also make collections available to researchers and the public.
Salary: £23,000 to £45,000
Found in: Computing, technology and digital Creative and media
Construction site supervisor
Construction site supervisors manage staff and subcontractors on building sites.
Salary: £25,000 to £45,000
Found in: Construction and trades
Financial adviser
Financial advisers help people and organisations choose investments, savings, pensions, mortgages and insurance products.
Salary: £23,000 to £60,000
Found in: Business and finance
Housekeepers organise hotel staff to make sure that all the rooms are kept clean and tidy.
Salary: £14,500 to £25,000
Found in: Hospitality and food Sports and leisure Travel and tourism
Agronomists advise farmers on soil health, disease prevention and how to improve crop production and quality.
Salary: £22,500 to £60,000
Found in: Science and research Environment and land
Test lead
Test leads check new computer systems and applications that are being created or upgraded.
Salary: £34,000 to £60,000
Found in: Computing, technology and digital