798 results found

  1. Health service manager

    Alternative titles for this job include Hospital manager, NHS hospital manager

    Health service managers run local healthcare services like hospitals, GP practices and community clinics.

    Salary: £26,382 to £68,525

    Found in: Administration Healthcare Managerial

  2. Cleaner

    Alternative titles for this job include Cleaning services operative

    Cleaners carry out general cleaning of offices, shops and homes, or more specialised cleaning like upholstery or the outsides of buildings.

    Salary: £17,000 to £24,000

    Found in: Home services

  3. Victim care officer

    Alternative titles for this job include Witness support officer

    Victim care officers give practical and emotional support to people who've been affected by crime.

    Salary: £21,000 to £30,000

    Found in: Law and legal Social care

  4. Customer services manager

    Customer service managers create guidelines, deal with quality control and manage customer service teams.

    Salary: £21,000 to £50,000

    Found in: Managerial Retail and sales

  5. Local government officer

    Alternative titles for this job include Policy officer, finance officer, administration officer

    Local government officers put council policies into practice and provide local public services.

    Salary: £24,000 to £38,000

    Found in: Administration

  6. Financial services customer adviser

    Alternative titles for this job include Sales adviser, contact centre agent

    Financial services customer advisers work in contact centres for banks, insurance, investment and credit companies.

    Salary: £14,000 to £24,000

    Found in: Administration Business and finance

  7. Youth offending team officer

    Alternative titles for this job include Youth offending service officer

    Youth offending team officers work to prevent children and young people under 18 from offending and reoffending.

    Salary: £21,000 to £38,000

    Found in: Social care

  8. Care worker

    Alternative titles for this job include Care assistant, support worker, nursing home assistant

    Care workers support vulnerable people with their daily activities and help them to live as independently as possible.

    Salary: £19,000 to £25,000

    Found in: Social care Home services Healthcare

  9. Civil Service manager

    Alternative titles for this job include Programme manager, senior executive officer

    Civil Service managers work in government departments, managing teams that establish policies and provide public services.

    Salary: £35,000 to £72,000

    Found in: Government services Managerial

  10. Lift engineer

    Alternative titles for this job include Lift service technician, escalator engineer

    Lift engineers install, service and repair lifts, escalators and moving walkways.

    Salary: £22,000 to £45,000

    Found in: Engineering and maintenance