662 results found

  1. Crematorium technician

    Crematorium technicians make sure things run smoothly during a cremation.

    Salary: £18,000 to £24,000

    Found in: Home services

  2. Furniture restorer

    Furniture restorers repair and conserve modern and antique pieces of furniture.

    Salary: £19,000 to £28,000

    Found in: Creative and media

  3. Economist

    Economists advise government departments, businesses, banks and other organisations on economic matters.

    Salary: £28,000 to £60,000

    Found in: Business and finance Managerial Science and research

  4. Cyber intelligence officer

    Cyber intelligence officers gather information about where threats to information technology (IT) systems come from and how they work.

    Salary: £25,000 to £50,000

    Found in: Computing, technology and digital

  5. Proofreader

    Proofreaders check text before it's printed or published to make sure it's correct and complete.

    Salary: £22,000 to £34,000

    Found in: Creative and media Administration

  6. Art therapist

    Alternative titles for this job include Art psychotherapist

    Art therapists help people express difficult thoughts and feelings through creative activities.

    Salary: £37,000 to £53,000

    Found in: Beauty and wellbeing Creative and media Healthcare Social care

  7. School nurse

    Alternative titles for this job include Specialist community public health nurse

    School nurses work with schools and families to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people.

    Salary: £30,000 to £51,000

    Found in: Healthcare

  8. Airport information assistant

    Airport information assistants help passengers in airports.

    Salary: £13,000 to £22,000

    Found in: Retail and sales Transport Travel and tourism

  9. Cellar technician

    Alternative titles for this job include Drinks dispense technician, cellar service engineer, beer quality technician

    Cellar technicians install and maintain drinks systems in places like pubs, bars, hotels and restaurants.

    Salary: £20,000 to £30,000

    Found in: Hospitality and food Engineering and maintenance

  10. Air accident investigator

    Alternative titles for this job include Air accident engineering inspector, air accident operations inspector, Inspector of air accidents

    Air accident investigators search for the causes of accidents and serious incidents, involving civilian aircraft.

    Salary: £72,500 to £82,000

    Found in: Transport Government services Engineering and maintenance