143 results found

  1. Equalities officer

    Alternative titles for this job include Equality and diversity officer, equal opportunities officer, equality, diversity and human rights officer

    Equalities officers make sure people are treated equally in an organisation by promoting positive practices and attitudes.

    Salary: £22,000 to £45,000

    Found in: Law and legal Social care Teaching and education

  2. Careers adviser

    Alternative titles for this job include Career consultant, career coach, career development practitioner

    Careers advisers help people make decisions about their education, training and work options.

    Salary: £21,000 to £35,000

    Found in: Government services Teaching and education Social care

  3. Civil Service administrative officer

    Civil Service administrative officers work in government departments, carrying out policies and running services for the public.

    Salary: £23,000 to £30,000

    Found in: Government services Administration

  4. Public finance accountant

    Alternative titles for this job include Chartered public finance accountant

    Public finance accountants make sure money is spent properly in public sector organisations.

    Salary: £25,000 to £60,000

    Found in: Business and finance

  5. Celebrant

    Celebrants conduct personalised wedding, naming and funeral ceremonies. They also help mark other important occasions and relationships.

    Salary: Variable

    Found in: Home services

  6. Seismologist

    Alternative titles for this job include Geophysicist

    Seismologists study shock waves created by earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. They also work in oil, gas and minerals exploration.

    Salary: £24,000 to £50,000

    Found in: Science and research Environment and land

  7. Performance sports scientist

    Alternative titles for this job include Sports and exercise scientist, Sports performance analyst, Sports physiologist

    Sports scientists use knowledge of how the body works to help people improve their health or sporting ability.

    Salary: £23,000 to £50,000

    Found in: Science and research Sports and leisure

  8. Human resources officer

    Alternative titles for this job include Personnel officer, HR officer

    Human resources (HR) officers hire, develop and look after employees in a company.

    Salary: £18,000 to £40,000

    Found in: Administration Managerial

  9. Steel erector

    Steel erectors assemble beams and girders that support the structure of buildings, stadiums, bridges and tunnels.

    Salary: £24,000 to £40,000

    Found in: Construction and trades Engineering and maintenance

  10. Building surveyor

    Building surveyors advise clients about the design, construction, maintenance and repair of buildings.

    Salary: £25,000 to £70,000

    Found in: Construction and trades