330 results found

  1. Careers adviser

    Alternative titles for this job include Career consultant, career coach, career development practitioner

    Careers advisers help people make decisions about their education, training and work options.

    Salary: £21,000 to £35,000

    Found in: Government services Teaching and education Social care

  2. Life coach

    Life coaches support and encourage people to help them make informed decisions in their working and personal lives.

    Salary: Variable

    Found in: Home services Social care

  3. British Sign Language interpreter

    Alternative titles for this job include Language professional

    British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters help deaf and hearing people communicate with one another.

    Salary: Variable

    Found in: Home services Social care

  4. Restaurant manager

    Alternative titles for this job include Fast food restaurant manager, hotel restaurant manager

    Restaurant managers organise the day-to-day running of their venue and make sure customers are happy with the food and service they receive.

    Salary: £26,000 to £40,000

    Found in: Hospitality and food

  5. Wedding planner

    Wedding planners help couples organise their wedding.

    Salary: £17,000 to £29,000

    Found in: Hospitality and food Managerial Home services

  6. Heritage officer

    Alternative titles for this job include Historic buildings officer, listings officer

    Heritage officers support teams to take care of buildings, monuments and places valued for their cultural and historical importance.

    Salary: £18,500 to £48,000

    Found in: Travel and tourism Government services Construction and trades

  7. Domestic energy assessor

    Domestic energy assessors (DEAs) work out the energy efficiency of domestic buildings like houses and flats.

    Salary: £18,000 to £35,000

    Found in: Construction and trades Home services

  8. Chimney sweep

    Chimney sweeps clean the chimneys and flues of open fires and other coal, gas, oil and wood-fired heating systems.

    Salary: Variable

    Found in: Engineering and maintenance Home services

  9. Telephonist

    Alternative titles for this job include Switchboard operator

    Telephonists, or switchboard operators, answer and connect calls and take messages.

    Salary: £15,000 to £24,000

    Found in: Administration Computing, technology and digital Retail and sales

  10. Registrar of births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships

    Registrars collect and record details of all births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships.

    Salary: £18,000 to £42,000

    Found in: Government services Administration