Course details

Table with course details
Qualification name Diploma in Food and Beverage Service Supervision
Qualification level 3
Awarding organisation City & Guilds of London Institute
Learning method Classroom based
Course type Free Courses for Jobs
Course hours Full-time
Course start date 8th September 2025
Cost description Please refer to our website
Attendance pattern Daytime

Discover the learning experience and opportunities you can expect from this course.

Our popular fine dining restaurant coffee shop and industrial kitchens provide an ideal environment to learn the skills needed for a career in the catering and hospitality industry. Focusing on expert front-of-house training you will learn the essentials of food service bar service wine and cocktail knowledge barista skills food and wine matching event planning and management. The majority of the course is conducted in a live restaurant setting where you will take on the role of a restaurant manager bar manager or back-of-house manager. You will also mentor and train Level 2 students as part of the supervisory element of their qualification. All practical sessions are supported by classroom theory lessons and specialist visits to breweries

Find out what qualifications and skills you will need for this course.

To study this Level 3 course you should have completed a relevant Level 2 course or have significant industry experience. GCSE English and maths are required.

Find out more about exams, assignments and assessments.

You will be assessed throughout your course via practical activity observations academic coursework and industry placements. Assessments are based around 'real-life' projects and industry or workplace scenarios including work experience. Your final grade will be awarded as pass merit or distinction.

Completing the Level 3 Diploma in Professional Food and Beverage Service Supervision will allow a route into the hospitality industry where you can further develop your skills and knowledge. Job roles that this qualification will help you work towards could include: Restaurant manager Front of house Bar supervisor

Table with course venue details
Name Northbrook MET West Durrington Campus
Address Northbrook College
Littlehampton Road
West Sussex
BN12 6NU
Find on Google maps
Phone 01273 667704
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