Course details

Table with course details
Qualification name Technical Certificate in Forestry & Arboriculture
Qualification level 2
Awarding organisation City & Guilds of London Institute
Learning method Classroom based
Course hours Full-time
Course start date 2nd September 2024
Cost description …Please see the college website.
Attendance pattern Daytime

Discover the learning experience and opportunities you can expect from this course.

Modern forestry and arboriculture encompass far more than growing trees for timber, and this course will provide you with the basic skills needed to pursue one of many careers in the field.

Find out what qualifications and skills you will need for this course.

Usually at least 4 GCSEs at grading level 3 (Old GCSE grade E) or above including Maths and English with Science desirable. Alternatively a suitable Level 1 vocational qualification with English and Maths at Level 1. You don't need any previous experience working with tress.…Please see the college website.

View the key features of this course.

This course aims to provide a basic understanding of the practical and theoretical elements of arboriculture, the care and management of trees, forestry, and the care and management of woodlands. The course covers the following modules: Working in forestry or arboriculture-related business Introduction to the forestry and arboriculture sectors Health and safety for the land-based industries Tools and equipment Environment and conservation Introduction to pant science Tree classification and identification Tree establishment Tree and woodland management Students' work is assessed by multiple choice exams and a synoptic assessment such as a multiple-part simulated business exercise. Further details will be provided at interviews. Why choose us? Excellent college resources including a stunning arboretum, woodland, orchard and temperate glasshouse. An additional certificate of competence (known as a 'ticket' in the industry) from the college's commercial courses department, such as Woodchipper use, Brushcutter, or Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross-Cutting. …Please see the college website.

Understand how the course will be delivered.

…Please see the college website.

Find out what material you will need.

There is a requirement to complete 150 hours of work placement (work experience) with an industry-related organisation. More details can be provided at the interview. Our Employability Team is available to help you get started. Students often look for a placement close to home, usually with local arboriculture companies.…Please see the college website.

Find out more about exams, assignments and assessments.

Modern forestry and arboriculture encompass far more than growing trees for timber, and this course will provide you with the basic skills needed to pursue one of many careers in the field. From futures in large forest management to overseeing trees in urban landscapes, a mix of practical experience and theory will equip you for a wide range of roles or further training. …Please see the college website.

Upon successful completion of this course, students may progress onto the Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Forestry and Arboriculture. Alternatively, this course would give you the relevant skills to enter the Arboriculture Industry at the trainee level. Career pathways Graduating from this course you could go on to become a: Forestry worker Arborist in a commercial or domestic business Trainee technician or sales-person in an arboriculture or fore …Please see the college website.

Table with course venue details
Name Askham Bryan College, York Campus
Address Askham Bryan
North Yorkshire
YO23 3FR
Find on Google maps
Phone 01904 772277
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