Course details

Table with course details
Qualification name Diploma in Art and Design
Qualification level 2
Awarding organisation University of the Arts London
Learning method Classroom based
Course hours Full-time
Course start date 2nd September 2024
Cost £1,250.00
Attendance pattern Daytime

Discover the learning experience and opportunities you can expect from this course.

The course has been designed as an introductory programme that will help you to develop practical skills in photography, digital photo-editing, graphic design and film-making. By completing this course, you will achieve a University of Arts London (UAL) Level 2 Diploma in Art and Design (Film & Photography). You will develop your research skills, your personal confidence, and learn about progression opportunities in the photographic, graphic design and film industries. You will have the opportunity to try a wide range of traditional film and digital photography skills, and you will work with video to learn practical aspects of film-making. You will have access to a photography studio and darkrooms to try out a range of experiments with photography and printing. Themed projects will help you understand art and design more broadly and enable you to make work that expresses your own ideas as part of the creative process. You will have opportunities to improve communication and presentation skills through group activities and student exhibitions. All of our learners will be given support with their English and Maths skills where relevant to their main programme. Those students who have not yet achieved a grade 4 at GCSE in these subjects will continue to work towards these important qualifications at a level suited to them. Assessment is through on-going continuous assessment of unit work leading to a final major project achieved at Pass Merit or Distinction grade.

Find out what qualifications and skills you will need for this course.

4 GCSEs at 3+ preferably including a creative subject/art/photography and portfolio of photography. English and Maths GCSE will be included in the program for students not already attained at grade 4. Adult/home educated applicants without formal GCSEs need a suitable portfolio and interview, which will include English and maths assessment. All students joining this course will need access to their own dslr or other suitable digital camera. A small workshop fee and completion of work experie

Table with course venue details
Name The Allen Building
Address Beezon Road
Find on Google maps
Phone 01539 814700
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