Course details

Table with course details
Qualification name Certificate in Fitness Instructing
Qualification level 2
Awarding organisation Vocational Training Charitable Trust
Learning method Classroom based
Course hours Full-time
Course start date 11th September 2024
Cost £1,450.00
Cost description Adult Fees, free for 16-18yrs.
Attendance pattern Daytime

Discover the learning experience and opportunities you can expect from this course.

This course provides you with a high-quality, industry-recognised qualification that is also recognised on the Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs). The Level 2 Fitness Instructing Certificate teaches you the practical skills and scientific knowledge you’ll need to train and support your clients and help them realise their fitness goals. Fitness instructors have very important jobs within the fitness industry, which can be highly lucrative! Providing fitness instructing services is a rewarding and responsible role, and you can apply the skills within a range of different environments. This qualification also develops transferable skills, such as communication and problem-solving. We understand that everyone has their own preferred learning style and that some need more time than others to understand the material. Our teachers use our award-winning Learning Philosophy to make sure your studies are fun, relevant to you and practical. If you are unemployed or earning under 17,000 a year, you could be eligible for a free place on this course. Book a free assessment. What can you do with Level 2 Fitness Instructing Certificate Below is a list of some (although not all) of the activities and roles you could perform once you graduate from this course. Understand the human body This is a crucial element to working in the fitness industry as it requires you to work with the human body in a safe and healthy way. Instruct and evaluate one-to-one fitness programmes While you

Find out what qualifications and skills you will need for this course.

You will only need to be 16 years of age or above and have an interest in working within the fitness industry. If you are unemployed or earning under 17,000 a year, you could be eligible for a free place on this course. Book a free assessment.

View the key features of this course.

You’ll learn about human anatomy and physiology, including circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems, health and safety, exercise programme construction and delivery, how to motivate clients, as well as marketing and business promotion. You will learn and complete three units from the following:anatomy and physiology for exercise, healt

Understand how the course will be delivered.

You will learn in our excellent, professional-standard facilities, through a mixture of practical and theory-based sessions utilising:case studies, discussion groups, lectures on the core content, . Successful completion helps you to seek employment (paid or unpaid) as a fitness instructor within the fitness environment. You could also progress to

Find out what material you will need.

You don’t necessarily need a first-aid qualification for a fitness instructor job. This course will teach you the necessary health and safety knowledge to ensure that both you and your customers can exercise safely during your time in the gym (or other workplaces). However, a first aid qualification can give you a competitive advantage when l

Find out more about exams, assignments and assessments.

You will learn in our excellent, professional-standard facilities, through a mixture of practical and theory-based sessions utilising:case studies, discussion groups, lectures on the core content, . Successful completion helps you to seek employment (paid or unpaid) as a fitness instructor within the fitness environment. You could also progress to

The terms ‘Gym Instructor’ and ‘Personal Trainer’ are often used interchangeably by those outside the fitness industry, but in reality, they are two different roles. Personal Trainers provide personalised training programs for clients, as well as provide advice on weight management, rehabilitation, and injury prevention, wh

Table with course venue details
Name Reading College
Address Kings Road
Find on Google maps
Phone 0800 371434
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