Course details

Table with course details
Qualification name BTEC National Foundation Diploma in Countryside Management
Qualification level 3
Awarding organisation Pearson Education Ltd (Formerly EDEXCEL)
Learning method Classroom based
Course type Free Courses for Jobs
Course hours Full-time
Course start date 11th September 2024
Cost £4,425.00
Cost description Advanced Learner Loan, free for 16-18yrs.
Attendance pattern Daytime

Discover the learning experience and opportunities you can expect from this course.

The countryside sector needs people who understand both the science and the practical elements required to manage the many conflicting demands on rural areas. This course aims to prepare you for the task of successful countryside management. You’ll study a wide range of relevant conservation issues and analyse the complex impact that tourism and development have on the countryside and have a greater understanding of the scientific implications relating to these issues, enabling you to evaluate the threats and solutions that conservationists currently face. Practical skills underpin every element of this course. You will gain a broad knowledge of the different habitats around us including relevant legislation, and hands-on experience of the ‘gold-star’ management techniques that can be implemented to conserve the flora and fauna they contain. All 16-19 year olds on full-time programmes will be required to retake GCSE English and Maths or to undertake Functional Skills, if they have not already attained the equivalent of a GCSE grade C in these subjects, every year of their course, until they complete their studies.

Find out what qualifications and skills you will need for this course.

At least four GCSEs at grade 4 (grade C) or above, including maths and English, or a Level 2 Diploma at Merit or above.

View the key features of this course.

Year 1: Professional Working Responsibilities, Plant and Soil Science, Work Experience, Countryside Estate Skills, Managing Environmental Habitats, Identification, Planting and Care of Trees, Wildlife Ecology and Management, . Year 2:Contemporary Issues in Land-based Sectors, Woodland Management, Ecological Concepts, Countryside Recreation, Land-ba

Understand how the course will be delivered.

A range of practical 'real' projects on the Merrist Wood estate, along with workshop, classroom and laboratory studies. Work Experience - You will undertake 150 hours industry experience with a conservation organisation. We have dedicated industry placement officer who will help you arrange this.

Find out what material you will need.

Be prepared to work outdoors in real working situations that range from hedgelaying and tractor driving to wildlife surveying, with everything needed in between to prepare you for a career in countryside and estate management.

Find out more about exams, assignments and assessments.

A range of practical 'real' projects on the Merrist Wood estate, along with workshop, classroom and laboratory studies. Work Experience - You will undertake 150 hours industry experience with a conservation organisation. We have dedicated industry placement officer who will help you arrange this.

Our courses are run by professional staff who are passionate about conservation and ecology, and have strong links with local organisations such as the Surrey Wildlife Trust.The course is ideally set up to ensure that you are able to progress into careers in the environment and ecology and conservation or onto University. To ensure that you have

Table with course venue details
Name Merrist Wood College
Address Worplesdon
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